Multiplayer or single-player?
Last week, my husband, an always-at-heart gamer and fanatic of video games, showed me a game called The Sims. For those who live under a rock, as apparently, I do, this game seems pretty simple, but for me it got me thinking about the intrinsic qualities of life. How do we adapt to the environment we live in or find ourselves stalled in an ever-changing world? We live, adapt, grow up, overcome obstacles, fall, and get up. This is how the process of learning also works when there is a need for growth we have to change and that is exactly what has happened in the past few years with education, everyone from children to business people had to adapt to virtuality.
Needless to say, the opinions were divided in regard to what was better, the lack of interaction made it a lopsided decision when the time came to go back to the classrooms. But in what ways is virtual education better? Despite the blatant fact that we need to socialize to develop our personality and our support network, as well as to create meaningful relationships that might last a lifetime, brick-and-mortar methods have proven to not focus on the individual needs of the student making a classroom full of pupils who strive to fulfill the requirements rather than do the proper learning of things. Just think about it, repetition is the main tool for memorization. What about those who acquire knowledge through experiences, music, and logic or those who feel they could have given more, but learn at a different pace than their peers? Well, that is exactly what I wanted to tackle, different kinds of learning, different needs, and virtuality allow us to create this space where we give you exactly what you need to LEARN.
Now let’s think about another downside, it was clear to many that spending at least two hours a day commuting, in best-case scenarios, was nonsense when you could use that time wither to catch up on that book you love, spend time with your family or even wasting the time away watching some silly app that releases lots of serotonin into your brain, guilty, definitely. Virtual classrooms don’t take more than the time you allot to the learning process, 1 hour, a couple, but no more than that, a perk in my eyes. No more to say, changes require adaptation and that is what we have done. You don’t need to be in the traffic for endless hours and virtual one-on-one lessons allow you to go at your own pace, playing by your own rules, and in the style of teaching that you prefer.
Keep this in mind, It is of utmost importance that the educator adapts to you and not the other way around, that is how you will get the most out of your education, in any subject, be constant, and make time for your self-improvement, just like The Sims, a single-player in a virtual environment that gives you the power to create and control your own growing process.
ESL LEARNers' Word Challenge:
- Lopsided → Desigual, desequilibrado Meaning: Not evenly balanced; having one side heavier or more developed than the other.
- Stalled → Estancado, detenido Meaning: Stopped or slowed down, often in a situation where no progress can be made.
- Overcome → Superar, vencer Meaning: Succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.
- Blatant → Evidente, descarado Meaning: Very obvious and intentional, usually in a bad or inappropriate way.
- Perk → Ventaja, beneficio Meaning: A special benefit or advantage.
- Allot → Asignar, repartir Meaning: To give or assign a specific amount of something to someone.
- Commute → Viajar diariamente, desplazarse Meaning: To travel some distance between one’s home and place of work or study regularly.
- Brick-and-mortar → Presencial, físico Meaning: Refers to physical buildings, typically in contrast to online services or virtual spaces.